Results for 'Dawn Schon Blanchard'

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  1.  57
    Clinical Ethics Consultation and Ethics Integration in an Urban Public Hospital.Mark P. Aulisio, Jessica Moore, May Blanchard, Marcia Bailey & Dawn Smith - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (4):371.
    Clinical ethics committees, with their typical threefold function of education, policy formation, and consultation, are present in nearly all U.S. hospitals today, and they are increasingly common in other healthcare settings such as long-term care and even home care. Ethics committees are at least as prevalent in Canadian hospitals as they are in U.S. hospitals, and their presence is growing in Europe, much of Asia, and Central and South America. Although ethics committees serve a variety of needs, their ultimate goal (...)
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    Petrarch and the Genealogy of Asceticism.W. Scott Blanchard - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (3):401-423.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.3 (2001) 401-423 [Access article in PDF] Petrarch and the Genealogy of Asceticism W. Scott Blanchard The morality of thought lies in a procedure that is neither entrenched nor detached. --Theodor Adorno Perhaps no author within or outside of the canon of Western literature wrote as extensively on the topic of solitude as did Francesco Petrarch. While many of our modern associations (...)
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    The power of ethical management.Kenneth H. Blanchard - 1988 - New York: W. Morrow. Edited by Norman Vincent Peale.
    Ethics in business is the most urgent problem facing America today. Now two of the best-selling authors of our time, Kenneth Blanchard and Norman Vincent Peale, join forces to meet this crisis head-on in this vitally important new book. The Power of Ethical Management proves you don't have to cheat to win. It shows today's managers how to bring integrity back to the workplace. It gives hard-hitting, practical, ethical strategies that build profits, productivity, and long-term success. From a straightforward (...)
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  4. Explanatory Abstraction and the Goldilocks Problem: Interventionism Gets Things Just Right.Thomas Blanchard - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (2):633-663.
    Theories of explanation need to account for a puzzling feature of our explanatory practices: the fact that we prefer explanations that are relatively abstract but only moderately so. Contra Franklin-Hall ([2016]), I argue that the interventionist account of explanation provides a natural and elegant explanation of this fact. By striking the right balance between specificity and generality, moderately abstract explanations optimally subserve what interventionists regard as the goal of explanation, namely identifying possible interventions that would have changed the explanandum.
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    Being in Good Community: Engagement in Support of Indigenous Sovereignty.Jessica Blanchard & Vanessa Hiratsuka - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (10):54-56.
    Authentic community engagement in Indigenous communities insists on the exercise of tribal sovereignty over research. American Indian and Alaska Native tribes are sovereign Nations with uni...
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    ed. Loys le Roy's De la vicissitude ou variete des choses en l'univers.Blanchard W. Bates - 1945 - Philosophical Review 54:186.
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    Being, Seeing, and Touching.Kenneth C. Blanchard - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (3):577-607.
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    From One Community to Many: How Novel Objects in the Crop Protection Field Reveal Epistemic Boundaries.Antoine Blanchard - 2016 - Social Epistemology 30 (5-6):680-691.
    In this paper, I present a case study in the field of crop protection and discuss its epistemological implications. Through the advent of a novel class of objects at the end of the 1970s in Europe and the USA, namely plant elicitors that trigger the plant’s own defence reactions, we witness how dissent between epistemic communities appears where assimilation had been the rule. The convergence between the industry and the academia as a coherent “phytosanitary universe”, despite the fact that they (...)
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    God and the Evil of Scarcity: Moral Foundations of Economic Agency.Kathryn D. Blanchard - 2007 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 27 (2):303-305.
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    Freedom, indeterminacy, and value.Blanchard W. Means - 1936 - Journal of Philosophy 33 (4):85-95.
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  11. Stability, breadth and guidance.Thomas Blanchard, Nadya Vasilyeva & Tania Lombrozo - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (9):2263-2283.
    Much recent work on explanation in the interventionist tradition emphasizes the explanatory value of stable causal generalizations—i.e., causal generalizations that remain true in a wide range of background circumstances. We argue that two separate explanatory virtues are lumped together under the heading of `stability’. We call these two virtues breadth and guidance respectively. In our view, these two virtues are importantly distinct, but this fact is neglected or at least under-appreciated in the literature on stability. We argue that an adequate (...)
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    An investigation of the moral reasoning of managers.Dawn R. Elm & Mary Lippitt Nichols - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (11):817 - 833.
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    Displacement of concepts.Donald Alan Schon - 1963 - [London]: Tavistock Publications.
    Reproduced here in facsimile, this volume was originally published in 1963 and is available individually. The collection is also available in a number of themed mini-sets of between 5 and 13 volumes, or as a complete collection.
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  14. The Ability of Not Knowing: Feminist Experience of the Impossible in Ethical Singularity.Dawn Rae Davis - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (2):145-161.
    In neocolonial contexts of globalization, the epistemological terrain of radical diversity poses significant ethical challenges to transnational feminisms. In view of historical associations between knowledge and discourses of love which were conditioned by imperialist brands of humanism and benevolence under colonialism, this paper argues for a deconstructionist approach to conceptualizing love in relation to knowledge and for an ethics that severs the association with benevolence, instead making alterity the basis for its account.
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  15. Physics and Causation.Thomas Blanchard - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (5):256-266.
    More than a century ago, Russell launched a forceful attack on causation, arguing not only that modern physics has no need for causal notions but also that our belief in causation is a relic of a pre-scientific view of the world. He thereby initiated a debate about the relations between physics and causation that remains very much alive today. While virtually everybody nowadays rejects Russell's causal eliminativism, many philosophers have been convinced by Russell that the fundamental physical structure of our (...)
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    Aesthetic and Illusion of Daily Life.Marc E. Blanchard - 1990 - In Frederick Burwick & Walter Pape (eds.), Aesthetic illusion: theoretical and historical approaches. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 1989--79.
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    A propos d'une philosophie du travail.Yvon Blanchard - 1964 - Dialogue 3 (2):176-185.
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  18. Die Vernunft und das Irrationale: die Grundlagen von Schellings Spätphilosophie im "System des transzendentalen Idealismus" und der "Identitätsphilosophie".Gert Blanchard - 1979 - Frankfurt/Main: Haag und Herchen.
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    Online Control of Prehension Predicts Performance on a Standardized Motor Assessment Test in 8- to 12-Year-Old Children.Caroline C. V. Blanchard, Hannah L. McGlashan, Blandine French, Rachel J. Sperring, Bianca Petrocochino & Nicholas P. Holmes - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  20. Reception Theory and the Semiotics of literary History.Marc E. Blanchard - 1986 - Semiotica 61 (3-4):307-323.
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    Sur le mythe poétique: Essai d’une sémiostylistique rimbaldienne.J. Marc Blanchard - 1976 - Semiotica 16 (1).
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    Travail et téléologie chez Hegel selon Lukács.Yvon Blanchard - 1970 - Dialogue 9 (2):168-180.
    Au moment de célébrer le bicentenaire de la naissance de Hegel, et précisément dans la perspective où cette célébration va marquer l'apogée de la renaissance des études hégéliennes depuis un quart de siècle, la tentation, parmi beaucoup d'autres, sera grande de poser au chapitre de l'actualité de l'hégélianisme la question toute simple: Peut-on, aujourd'hui, être hégélien?
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    The Gift of Contraception.Kathryn D. Blanchard - 2007 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 27 (1):225-249.
    ALTHOUGH BIRTH CONTROL REMAINS A CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC AMONG Roman Catholics, it has all but disappeared in Protestant discussions of sexual ethics, owing to the seemingly more pressing issues of abortion and in vitro fertilization, as well as to the almost unanimous approval of contraceptive use among Protestant church bodies in the mid-1900s. This essay seeks to revive some past Reformed arguments pertinent to the subject, especially John Calvin's and Karl Barth's teachings on marriage and children, which both theologians view as (...)
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    Valeurs économiques et liberté.Yvon Blanchard - 1973 - Dialogue 12 (1):32-49.
    Dans la mesure où le travail assure la subsistance de l'homme, il apparaît comme un effort productif permettant la recherche active, consciente, organisée des biens propres à satisfaire ses besoins. Or il est manifeste que ces biens doivent posséder la capacité de satisfaire effectivement les besoins, ce qui, me semble-t-il, est dénoncé par le caractere fondamental de ces biens qu'on appelle leur valeur. Et puisque cette corrélation des biens et des besoins est spécifique du domaine de l'activité économique, il devient (...)
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  25. The body in psychotherapy : Calatonia and subtle touch techniques.Anita J. Ribeiro-Blanchard, Leda Perillo Seixas & Ana Maria Galrao Rios - 2011 - In Raya A. Jones (ed.), Body, mind and healing after Jung: a space of questions. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Arthur Murphy on the theory of practical reason.Donald A. Schon - 1968 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 28 (3):423-429.
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  27. An interview with Avigail Eisenberg : “Reasoning about the Identity of Aboriginal People”.Martin Blanchard - 2006 - Les Ateliers de L’Ethique 1 (1):103-111.
    Avigail Eisenberg is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science, University of Victoria. She was also a fellow of CRÉUM during the 2004-2005 academic year. She has written important texts on the issues of identity, race, gender, minority rights, and in particular, Aboriginal claims. Her writing displays intelligent and acute commentaries in which she demonstrates an ability to tackle difficult questions in a refreshing way. Martin Blanchard of CRÉUM asked Professor Eisenberg if she would be willing to (...)
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    Business Ethics and Compliance: What Management Is Doing and Why.Dawn‐Marie Driscoll, W. Michael Hoffman & Joseph E. Murphy - 1998 - Business and Society Review 99 (1):35-51.
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    Leadership, Identity, and Ethics.Dawn L. Eubanks, Andrew D. Brown & Sierk Ybema - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (1):1-3.
  30.  19
    Environmental control of defensive reactions to a cat.Robert J. Blanchard, Kenneth K. Fukunaga & D. Caroline Blanchard - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (3):179-181.
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    Bayesian Occam's Razor Is a Razor of the People.Thomas Blanchard, Tania Lombrozo & Shaun Nichols - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (4):1345-1359.
    Occam's razor—the idea that all else being equal, we should pick the simpler hypothesis—plays a prominent role in ordinary and scientific inference. But why are simpler hypotheses better? One attractive hypothesis known as Bayesian Occam's razor is that more complex hypotheses tend to be more flexible—they can accommodate a wider range of possible data—and that flexibility is automatically penalized by Bayesian inference. In two experiments, we provide evidence that people's intuitive probabilistic and explanatory judgments follow the prescriptions of BOR. In (...)
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    Stable Causal Relationships Are Better Causal Relationships.Nadya Vasilyeva, Thomas Blanchard & Tania Lombrozo - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (4):1265-1296.
    We report three experiments investigating whether people’s judgments about causal relationships are sensitive to the robustness or stability of such relationships across a range of background circumstances. In Experiment 1, we demonstrate that people are more willing to endorse causal and explanatory claims based on stable (as opposed to unstable) relationships, even when the overall causal strength of the relationship is held constant. In Experiment 2, we show that this effect is not driven by a causal generalization’s actual scope of (...)
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  33. Photography and causation: Responding to Scruton's scepticism.Dawn M. Phillips - 2009 - British Journal of Aesthetics 49 (4):327-340.
    According to Roger Scruton, it is not possible for photographs to be representational art. Most responses to Scruton’s scepticism are versions of the claim that Scruton disregards the extent to which intentionality features in photography; but these cannot force him to give up his notion of the ideal photograph. My approach is to argue that Scruton has misconstrued the role of causation in his discussion of photography. I claim that although Scruton insists that the ideal photograph is defined by its (...)
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  34. Heschel, Hiddenness, and the God of Israel.Joshua Blanchard - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8 (4):109-124.
    Drawing on the writings of the Jewish thinker, Abraham Joshua Heschel, I defend a partial response to the problem of divine hiddenness. A Jewish approach to divine love includes the thought that God desires meaningful relationship not only with individual persons, but also with communities of persons. In combination with John Schellenberg’s account of divine love, the admission of God’s desire for such relationships makes possible that a person may fail to believe that God exists not because of any individual (...)
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  35. Institutionalization of organizational ethics through transformational leadership.Dawn S. Carlson & Pamela L. Perrewe - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (10):829 - 838.
    Concerns regarding corporate ethics have grown steadily throughout the past decade. In order to remain competitive, many organizational leaders are faced with the challenge of creating an ethical environment within their organization. A model is presented showing the process and elements necessary for the institutionalization of organizational ethics. The transformational leadership style lends itself well to the creation of an ethical environment and is suggested as a means to facilitate the institutionalization of corporate ethics. Finally, the benefits of using transformational (...)
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    Modelling the Future: an Overview of the ‘Limits to Growth’ Debate.Elodie Vieille Blanchard - 2010 - Centaurus 52 (2):91-116.
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    Moral Responsibility and the Self.Thomas Blanchard - unknown
    Moral responsibility is an issue at the heart of the free-will debate. The question of how we can have moral responsibility in a deterministic world is an interesting and puzzling one. Compatibilists arguments have left open the possibility that the ability to do otherwise is not required for moral responsibility. The challenge, then, is to come up with what our attributions of moral responsibility are tracking. To do this, criteria which can adequately differentiate cases in which the agent is responsible (...)
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  38. Recognition and the case of indigenous reparations : a Habermasian critique of Habermas.Martin Blanchard - 2007 - In José Rubio Carrecedo (ed.), Political philosophy: new proposals for new questions: proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005, volume II = Filosofía política: nuevas propuestas para nuevas cuestiones. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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    Ruyer et le transhumanisme.Blanchard Hans-Pascal - 2016 - le Portique. Revue de Philosophie Et de Sciences Humaines 37.
    Avant la vogue du transhumanisme, Raymond Ruyer, le philosophe nancéen, dénonça dès les années 1950 les prestiges de la cybernétique. Comme le trans­humanisme, cette idéologie portée par les réussites des premiers ordinateurs digitaux, par la vague du modèle de l’information qui indifférenciait fonctionnement machinique et fonctionnement organique, contestait un privilège de l’humain, notamment celui du monopole de la finalité par l’homme, et remettait en question la nécessité d’une intériorité consciente pour rendre raison des comportements sensés. La critique de Ruyer, au (...)
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    Who's Afraid of "The Vagina Monologues?".Kathryn D. Blanchard - 2010 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 30 (2):99-122.
    EVE ENSLER'S CONTROVERSIAL PLAY, THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES, HAS INcited both passionate support and harsh protest. Among its most vehement critics are those lobbying to ban performances at all Catholic colleges and universities. Most critics argue that the text challenges traditional Christian norms of heterosexual marriage. While not incorrect, I argue that visceral reactions against the word "vagina," together with fears about the liturgical and evangelical qualities of Ensler's play and the V-Day organization, may factor even more heavily in people's condemnations. (...)
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    The Spiritual Tasks of Aging towards Death.Dawn DeVries - 2021 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 75 (3):227-235.
    This article presents experiential reflections on the spiritual tasks for the last stage of human life. These tasks—experiencing escalating losses, accepting growing dependence on others, reframing the meaning of one’s life, and finding purpose even as one slowly lets go of life—are challenging, at least in part because they are counter-cultural for twenty-first century Americans. Exploring the spiritual tasks of aging towards death is necessary and important work for both aging elders and those who accompany them on the last stage (...)
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    The effect of business education on the ethics of students: An empirical assessment controlling for maturation.Dawn Milner, Tom Mahaffey, Ken MacCaulay & Tim Hynes - 1999 - Teaching Business Ethics 3 (3):255-267.
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  43. Moral realism and reliance on moral testimony.Joshua Blanchard - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (5):1141-1153.
    Moral realism and some of its constitutive theses, e.g., cognitivism, face the following challenge. If they are true, then it seems that we should predict that deference to moral testimony is appropriate under the same conditions as deference to non-moral testimony. Yet, many philosophers intuit that deference to moral testimony is not appropriate, even in otherwise ordinary conditions. In this paper I show that the challenge is cogent only if the appropriateness in question is disambiguated in a particular way. To (...)
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    Accepting Moral Responsibility for the Actions of Autonomous Weapons Systems—a Moral Gambit.Mariarosaria Taddeo & Alexander Blanchard - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-24.
    In this article, we focus on the attribution of moral responsibility for the actions of autonomous weapons systems (AWS). To do so, we suggest that the responsibility gap can be closed if human agents can take meaningful moral responsibility for the actions of AWS. This is a moral responsibility attributed to individuals in a justified and fair way and which is accepted by individuals as an assessment of their own moral character. We argue that, given the unpredictability of AWS, meaningful (...)
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    Neurobiological, Cognitive, and Emotional Mechanisms in Melodic Intonation Therapy.Dawn L. Merrett, Isabelle Peretz & Sarah J. Wilson - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    A Comparative Analysis of the Definitions of Autonomous Weapons Systems.Mariarosaria Taddeo & Alexander Blanchard - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (5):1-22.
    In this report we focus on the definition of autonomous weapons systems (AWS). We provide a comparative analysis of existing official definitions of AWS as provided by States and international organisations, like ICRC and NATO. The analysis highlights that the definitions draw focus on different aspects of AWS and hence lead to different approaches to address the ethical and legal problems of these weapons systems. This approach is detrimental both in terms of fostering an understanding of AWS and in facilitating (...)
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    Listen to the voice of the customer—First steps towards stakeholder democracy.Laura Marie Edinger-Schons, Lars Lengler-Graiff, Sabrina Scheidler, Gina Mende & Jan Wieseke - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (3):510-527.
    Recently, calls have grown louder for more stakeholder democracy that is, letting stakeholders participate in the process of organizing, decision‐making, and governance in corporations, especially in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. Despite the relevance of the subject, the impact of customer involvement in CSR on their company‐related attitudes and behaviors still represents a major research void. The paper at hand develops a conceptual framework of consumer involvement in CSR based on the existing literature, theories of stakeholder democracy, (...)
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    Default knowledge, time pressure, and the theory-theory of concepts.Thomas Blanchard - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):206-207.
    I raise two issues for Machery's discussion and interpretation of the theory-theory. First, I raise an objection against Machery's claim that theory-theorists take theories to be default bodies of knowledge. Second, I argue that theory-theorists' experimental results do not support Machery's contention that default bodies of knowledge include theories used in their own proprietary kind of categorization process.
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  49. Parmenides and Plato's Socrates: The Communication of Structure.John Blanchard - 2001 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    Can we make sense of the dogma of Parmenides' poem, that only being is? The prospect that Parmenides presents a perplexity, rather than a solution, forms the central hypothesis of this dissertation. Plato's Socrates seems to have understood this, and we, too, may fear our failure to fathom Parmenides' words and understand his meaning. Every attempt to penetrate Parmenides' thinking becomes unwittingly entangled in an impossible dilemma of trying to account for itself within the austere singularity of being, in seeming (...)
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    Rendezvous.Blanchard - 2021 - Arion 29 (1):33.
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